Anxiety Relief – ‘Serenity’

About the Download

In this deep relaxation audio, theta and delta frequencies are used in combination with ambient music to help the listener overcome feelings of anxiety, replacing them with a sense of well being and security.


A study conducted in 2001 determined that listening to binaural beat audios in the delta/theta range can provide anxiety relief. Participants were asked to rate their anxiety levels on a scale of 1 to 100, with 1 indicating no anxiety, and 100 indicating high anxiety. Prior to listening to the audios, the average score reported was 43.1. After listening, the average score dropped to 24.3.

Source: Le Scouarnec RP, Poirier RM, Owens JE, Gauthier J, Taylor AG, Foresman PA. Use of binaural beat tapes for treatment of anxiety: a pilot study of tape preference and outcomes.


Listen to this relaxation music with headphones, while in a rested state.

The participants in the aforementioned study experienced immediate results, though the real benefits kicked in after consistent usage, in this case at least 5 times a week for a month. It may not be necessary to listen for the entire duration, but if you do, listening before bed would probably be the best time as the descending frequencies will prepare you for a nice deep sleep!


This anxiety relief music is combined with six binaural & isochronic frequencies within the Delta/Theta range, lasting 9 mins each, with 1 minute transitions.