Beta waves range from 12 to 27hz and are predominant when a person is fully awake. They are vital to proper mental functioning, as insufficient beta activity is the at the root of mental and emotional disorders such as attention-deficit-disorder, insomnia and depression. In the case of ADD, it’s interesting to note that drugs such as Adderall and Ritalin are actually used to promote beta brainwave activity.

In the upper-frequency range beta is associated with the flight-or-fight response, which is triggered by the sympathetic nervous system when we feel anxious as a result of being confronted with perceived danger. From an evolutionary standpoint this served us well in the distant past when encountering savage predators out in the wild, as higher brainwave activity would make us more alert and aware of our surroundings.


Because beta waves are generally associated with thinking and conscious effort, one of the main areas in which Beta frequencies can be consciously employed through the use of binaural beats and isochronic tones is within the realm of academia or work place environments.
Whereas Alpha waves can allow you to perform tasks in an almost zen-like fashion, i.e. for creative, non-linear tasks, Beta waves encourage more productivity along the lines of analytical thought, organisation and logic. Both can be used for problem solving, only they use different approaches. Some of our brainwave entrainment audios actually offer a ‘best-of-both-worlds’ solution by modulating between both frequency bands.


When hooked up to an EEG device, people suffering from depression will normally exhibit an overabundance of slow brainwave activity. Listening to beta frequencies not only speeds up the brain, but boosts energy levels, and reduces feelings of depression. Within a slow wave state, people with depression can often ruminate on their thoughts – higher beta frequencies can help you gain more objectivity over your thoughts rather than identifying with them.
When using frequencies to combat depression or anxiety, it’s best to stick to the low to mid range area of the beta spectrum (approximately 12 to 22hz) as boosting your dominant brainwaves too much could potentially exacerbate anxious feelings.

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