Alpha Pro

About the Download

Develop your inner game, naturally attract women, exude self confidence, unlearn negative conditioning and approach women with ease!


Generate your own internal imagery. Make the images big, bright and colourful. When the affirmations begin to repeat, step into those images! Remember that the mind often cannot tell the difference between what is real or imagined, which explains why when you imagine a nice juicy burger with ketchup, your mouth begins to salivate!


Words are powerful. The language we use helps define the way in which we view the world. By using negative language we attract negative experiences, and by using positive self affirming statements, we begin to act in accordance with those and achieve better, more satisfying results. We undoubtedly have years of negative conditioning to undo, a framework put in place by the use of negative language to label, and subsequently take ownership of certain past experiences.

We’re leaving all that behind now, and focusing on the use of positive language from now on. This means taking responsibility for the way you talk to yourself, and to nip any negative self talk in the bud. Language is truly magical and can revolutionize your life. By using this tool, you can reprogramme your subconscious to act in accordance with your will.