Depression Relief Dual Isochronic

About the Download

This audio features ambient music along with two different isochronic tones to help remedy the hemispheric imbalance experienced by depressed individuals. Left Ear – 9hz (Stimulates Right Hemisphere) – ALPHA Right Ear – 19hz (Stimulates Left Hemisphere) – BETA The second half features the same freqs in the form of white noise Why these frequencies? “The depressed brain seems to exhibit lower overall brainwave amplitudes, and seems particularly deficient in the beta range. Alpha also seems overly abundant frontally, in the left hemisphere, and deficient in the right. You could say that the right hemisphere, which tends to be loosely associated with emotions, needs to be calmed down, while the left hemisphere, loosely associated with logic and rational thinking, needs to be stimulated into taking a more dominant role. For people who are or have been chronically depressed, this may sound more than a little bit familiar. Rational thoughts play no part in depression.” – A low volume is sufficient – it’s enough to simply be able to hear the pulsing effect. Make sure your headphones are on the right way around. If they’re not marked ‘L’ & ‘R’, listen to each one separately – the one with the faster frequency should be placed in your right ear.