
About the Download

One of the best tools you can use for supplementing your Lucid Dream conditioning! The 6-minute hypnosis at the start (STAGE #1) is there to help you fall asleep within the first 10-minutes of the lucid dream inducement (STAGE #2). It’s therefore recommended that you listen to STAGE #1 before every session until you’re confident that you can fall asleep without it, in which case just skip straight to the induction. The reason you have to sleep within 10 mins of STAGE #2 is so that the peak of your REM sleep/dream activity syncronizes with the triggers/affirmations.

STAGE #1 has the added benefit of providing several affirmations to prepare your mind for lucidity; “Tonight I will lucid dream”, “I am the master of my dreams” etc. (see below) The first 65 minutes of STAGE #2 will guide your brainwaves into a deep Delta sleep, while the remainder will transition your mind into Theta, the state in which REM sleep and dreams (at their peak intensity) occur. From 65 mins of Stage #2 onwards, there will be a number of affirmations designed to trigger lucidity.  It is important to develop the habit of performing ‘reality checks’ throughout the day as the affirmations will prompt you to perform these in your dream. Of course you may even trigger lucidity without this audio – but this is just a tool to help you speed up the process. The key to getting results is persistence.

STAGE #1 AFFIRMATIONS (before and after the relaxation hypnosis) – “The next time I am dreaming, I will know that I am dreaming “I am the master of my dreams” “Tonight I will have a lucid dream” “When dreaming, I recognize that I am dreaming”

STAGE #2 AFFIRMATIONS – “You are dreaming” “Do a reality check” “This is a dream” “You are taking control of your dream” “You are now dreaming” “Is this a dream?” “Perform a reality check” “I am awakening within my dream” “I am becoming consciously aware”