Neuroscape 2 – Lucid Dreaming Audio

About the Download

Based on the original ‘Neuroscape lucid dream induction’, version 2 uses identical binaural beat frequencies for the most part, but replaces the affirmation triggers with brief hyper-gamma peaks (50hz!) a few seconds in length during the REM segment. These are designed to help mimic wakeful consciousness (a lucid state) without waking you up.

The first 1 hour and 5 mins will entrain you to a deep delta sleep using a descending binaural frequency from 6 to 0.5hz. The final 25 minutes of each 90 minute cycle consists of a 7hz theta wave to help transit your mind to REM sleep. Scattered throughout this segment are the 50hz hyper-gamma clusters.

Binaural beats are used, so headphones are recommended for best results. Use in conjunction with reality-checks and the upkeep of a dream journal.